Quiet Spaces 27 October 2023
Autumn can be a time of beauty; with the changing colours of nature; the beautiful reds, golds and yellows of the leaves of trees; the plants which begin to die down, to rest and recover in the earth during winter; some creatures hibernate, while others gather and store food for the coming winter months. The weather patterns change, as have recently been very obvious in our part of the world, with violent storms which have hit many parts of our country.
Autumn can also be a time of letting go; taking a valuable example from the trees, who shed their leaves in autumn, we humans can also ‘let go’ and begin to transform.
Autumn, through the wonder of nature, can show us how beautiful it can be to let things go.
It can also be a time to change our pace of life, as the evenings draw in, and activities of the passing summer make way for other interests and hobbies, it can be a time to ‘rest’ (in its widest sense.)
Come unto me, and rest
(Tune: ‘Seven joys of Mary’, or any other 87 87 D melody)
When leaves begin to fill the trees with russets, golds and browns, and nature, done with summer days, begins to hunker down
for longer, darker, waiting times
when silent sleep is best,
our autumn takes her hand and says,
‘Come unto me, and rest.’
When fallen leaves their carpets make in parks,
and lanes, and woods,
and leap and dance as breezes blow,
then settle down for good; -
when change and transformation
are the truths to be addressed,
our autumn whispers in the wind,
‘Come unto me, and rest.’
When rotting leaves around our feet
turn muddy-black, and die;
when days are shorter, colder too,
and weary nature cries:
‘Is this the end?’
and silently may weep in her distress,
our autumn wipes her tears and says,
‘Come unto me, and rest.’
When darkness now defies the light
and nights are lengthier still,
exhausted, nature takes her leave
against her struggling will.
But yet, in dreams of spring,
a voice will promise she’ll be blessed:
‘New life will come; I’ll hold you safe;
but now, I give you rest.’
Tom Gordon – Iona Community
Seasons of our lives
The seasons of our lives are a powerful source for deep spiritual practice, which can transform our journey through life, and the way we live.
Whether the seasons of nature, are of personal experience,
or even the various seasons of religious tradition -
human life ebbs and flows through many different cycles and changes.
If we are mindful of these sequences,
we will find that tapping in to the wisdom
of these transient moments of experience,
can provide a rhythm for our lives
to bring us deeper into relationship with God and others.
If we are caring and thoughtful in our life,
responding to the conditions of each season
in which we find ourselves,
this can bring a wealth of overwhelming relief of burden, problems and anxiety … and sometimes it can bring even a sense of deep restfulness.
It can be helpful to make an inventory
of all the seasons in which you find yourself;
and consider the unique gifts you are being offered during these times – so that you may draw closer to God, to others, and to all creation.
Autumn can be a time of beauty; with the changing colours of nature; the beautiful reds, golds and yellows of the leaves of trees; the plants which begin to die down, to rest and recover in the earth during winter; some creatures hibernate, while others gather and store food for the coming winter months. The weather patterns change, as have recently been very obvious in our part of the world, with violent storms which have hit many parts of our country.
Autumn can also be a time of letting go; taking a valuable example from the trees, who shed their leaves in autumn, we humans can also ‘let go’ and begin to transform.
Autumn, through the wonder of nature, can show us how beautiful it can be to let things go.
It can also be a time to change our pace of life, as the evenings draw in, and activities of the passing summer make way for other interests and hobbies, it can be a time to ‘rest’ (in its widest sense.)
Come unto me, and rest
(Tune: ‘Seven joys of Mary’, or any other 87 87 D melody)
When leaves begin to fill the trees with russets, golds and browns, and nature, done with summer days, begins to hunker down
for longer, darker, waiting times
when silent sleep is best,
our autumn takes her hand and says,
‘Come unto me, and rest.’
When fallen leaves their carpets make in parks,
and lanes, and woods,
and leap and dance as breezes blow,
then settle down for good; -
when change and transformation
are the truths to be addressed,
our autumn whispers in the wind,
‘Come unto me, and rest.’
When rotting leaves around our feet
turn muddy-black, and die;
when days are shorter, colder too,
and weary nature cries:
‘Is this the end?’
and silently may weep in her distress,
our autumn wipes her tears and says,
‘Come unto me, and rest.’
When darkness now defies the light
and nights are lengthier still,
exhausted, nature takes her leave
against her struggling will.
But yet, in dreams of spring,
a voice will promise she’ll be blessed:
‘New life will come; I’ll hold you safe;
but now, I give you rest.’
Tom Gordon – Iona Community
Seasons of our lives
The seasons of our lives are a powerful source for deep spiritual practice, which can transform our journey through life, and the way we live.
Whether the seasons of nature, are of personal experience,
or even the various seasons of religious tradition -
human life ebbs and flows through many different cycles and changes.
If we are mindful of these sequences,
we will find that tapping in to the wisdom
of these transient moments of experience,
can provide a rhythm for our lives
to bring us deeper into relationship with God and others.
If we are caring and thoughtful in our life,
responding to the conditions of each season
in which we find ourselves,
this can bring a wealth of overwhelming relief of burden, problems and anxiety … and sometimes it can bring even a sense of deep restfulness.
It can be helpful to make an inventory
of all the seasons in which you find yourself;
and consider the unique gifts you are being offered during these times – so that you may draw closer to God, to others, and to all creation.
Silence and Stillness in Church or Garden
Soon we’ll be spending some time in stillness and quiet … perhaps pondering on what we have just read … maybe sitting quietly indoors, or outside … just talking time to ‘be’ – to be with God … to listen to him … something, perhaps we don’t have or make time for very often …
From Henri Nouwen
The autumn leaves can dazzle us with their magnificent colours: deep red, purple, yellow, gold, bronze, in countless variations and combinations. Then, shortly after having shown their unspeakable beauty, they fall to the ground and die. The barren trees remind us that winter is near. Likewise, the autumn of life has the potential to be very colourful: wisdom, humour, care, patience, and joy may bloom splendidly just before we fall to the ground and die.
As we look at the barren trees and remember our dead, let us be grateful for the beauty we saw in them and wait hopefully for a new spring. Henri Nouwen
Sharing and Group Discussion
So … how was your quiet time?
Longing for light, we wait in darkness.
Longing for truth, we turn to you.
Longing for peace, our world is troubled.
Longing for hope, many despair.
Your word alone has power to save us.
So Lord, we pray that you will make us your living voice.
Christ be our light, shine in our hearts -
shine through the darkness -
Christ be our light -
Shine in, and on us all, who are gathered here today
Thoughts to Ponder:
“I think of the trees and how simply they let go, let fall the riches of a season, how without grief (it seems) they can let go and go deep into their roots for renewal and sleep…Imitate the trees”
Christine Sine Twitter 2023
Today's prayer was inspired by Psalm 96 and 148
Creator God,
Majestic maker of all things,
Sculptor and architect of our vast universe,
We sit in awe and wonder of your love.
We listen to the breath of earth and song of heaven,
And join with Jesus, this Son of God and child of earth,
To add our human voices to creation’s song.
Let the skies sing for joy,
And the earth join the chorus.
Listen to the oceans thunder,
And watch the fields echo with ecstatic praise.
Let the weeds in pavement cracks shout out,
Until every swaying tree of forest,
And every wilting shrub of city street join in,
And together we lift our songs,
Of joyous praise to God.
Christine Sine 2023
There can never be peace between nations
until it is first known that true peace is within the souls of men.
Native American Proverb, Oglala Sioux [18974]
Rather long to print in its entirety – but worth reading , especially if you love trees! https://godspacelight.com/2023/10/19/heart-of-the-forest-52896/?fbclid=IwAR1xvu9-Ee3zRoXellAWp4ktrtUNRExFnZaUqVF6J5JTwzEnnhbk7ulsOv0
Rev Judy and Karen
Soon we’ll be spending some time in stillness and quiet … perhaps pondering on what we have just read … maybe sitting quietly indoors, or outside … just talking time to ‘be’ – to be with God … to listen to him … something, perhaps we don’t have or make time for very often …
From Henri Nouwen
The autumn leaves can dazzle us with their magnificent colours: deep red, purple, yellow, gold, bronze, in countless variations and combinations. Then, shortly after having shown their unspeakable beauty, they fall to the ground and die. The barren trees remind us that winter is near. Likewise, the autumn of life has the potential to be very colourful: wisdom, humour, care, patience, and joy may bloom splendidly just before we fall to the ground and die.
As we look at the barren trees and remember our dead, let us be grateful for the beauty we saw in them and wait hopefully for a new spring. Henri Nouwen
Sharing and Group Discussion
So … how was your quiet time?
Longing for light, we wait in darkness.
Longing for truth, we turn to you.
Longing for peace, our world is troubled.
Longing for hope, many despair.
Your word alone has power to save us.
So Lord, we pray that you will make us your living voice.
Christ be our light, shine in our hearts -
shine through the darkness -
Christ be our light -
Shine in, and on us all, who are gathered here today
Thoughts to Ponder:
“I think of the trees and how simply they let go, let fall the riches of a season, how without grief (it seems) they can let go and go deep into their roots for renewal and sleep…Imitate the trees”
Christine Sine Twitter 2023
Today's prayer was inspired by Psalm 96 and 148
Creator God,
Majestic maker of all things,
Sculptor and architect of our vast universe,
We sit in awe and wonder of your love.
We listen to the breath of earth and song of heaven,
And join with Jesus, this Son of God and child of earth,
To add our human voices to creation’s song.
Let the skies sing for joy,
And the earth join the chorus.
Listen to the oceans thunder,
And watch the fields echo with ecstatic praise.
Let the weeds in pavement cracks shout out,
Until every swaying tree of forest,
And every wilting shrub of city street join in,
And together we lift our songs,
Of joyous praise to God.
Christine Sine 2023
There can never be peace between nations
until it is first known that true peace is within the souls of men.
Native American Proverb, Oglala Sioux [18974]
Rather long to print in its entirety – but worth reading , especially if you love trees! https://godspacelight.com/2023/10/19/heart-of-the-forest-52896/?fbclid=IwAR1xvu9-Ee3zRoXellAWp4ktrtUNRExFnZaUqVF6J5JTwzEnnhbk7ulsOv0
Rev Judy and Karen